Wednesday, August 20, 2008

proust was a neuroscientist.

I just wanted to take the time to inform you that Jonah Lehrer's Proust Was a Neuroscientist, one of the most interesting reads I've has in quite a while, is now available in paperback. The book argues that Proust, as well as other creative folk like Walt Whitman and Cezanne, made discoveries about the brain and its processes decades ahead of science. The book weaves the two together gracefully, convincing you by the end that the separate studies are closer to each other than what is widely believed.

For those that want to try before they buy, I recommend heading over to the author's blog, The Frontal Cortex. His daily writings are very close to how it is in the book, with most posts combining art and culture with science in an easy to read manner. Also, make sure to check out his lecture at Google around the time of his book's publication. There's a short bit at the end regarding the musical genius of Kanye West (my words, not his).


Jenny Pacia said...

christ, you're the best blogger. i was just telling my brother haha.

Jenny Pacia said...
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